Yesterday I wrote about why it was good to be a control freak. Then I found another great blog post at Business Pundit offering ten great jobs for control freaks. The primary arguments of the freak factor are that there is nothing wrong with you and that apparent weaknesses can actually be strengths when you find the right fit. I tried to illustrate this by finding jobs for the lame team members in the FedEx Kinko's commercial.
So, if you are a control freak, don't despair, just seek out one of these career opportunities.
- Air Traffic Controller - "If they're not a control freak, people may die."
- Military Officer
- Chef
- Surgeon - Another example of how being a control freak saves lives.
- Business Consultant
- Pilot
- Professional Organizer - "a priceless manifestation of control-freakish tendencies."
- Accountant - That's why the job title is "controller."
- Architect
This list reminds me of a great tip for finding the right fit. Just take the term that people use to criticize you and look for jobs that use the same term.
"Control" is a key element of controller and air traffic controller.
Are you too "critical?" Maybe you should be a critic.
Do you over-analyze things? Maybe you should be an analyst.
Thanks, I really appreciate your willingness to help out. I will definitely keep you posted!
Posted by: Blast my Resume Free | May 25, 2009 at 04:44 AM